TWAIN Scanning
General Scanning Procedure
- Use the Scanner Settings button on the Settings frame to set the proper parameters for scanning.
- Place the pages in the scanner.
- Select the Batch style to use when scanning on the Batch frame. Click Single page documents if all of the documents being scanned are one page in length. Click Multi page documents if the documents are of different lengths or if a single multi-page document is being scanned.
- Select the appropriate Page handling style on the Page handling frame. Click one pass, front only if the pages have print only on the front side or if a duplex scanner is being used and the pages have print on both sides. Click two pass, front/back if the pages have print on the front and the back and you are using a single-sided scanner.
- Click Begin Scan to start scanning pages.
- When all the pages that were placed in the scanner are scanned, the following message is displayed:
The scanner is empty. To scan more pages, place them in the scanner then click YES. Scan more pages? YES, NO, CHANGE PARAMETERS
Select No if there are no more pages to be scanned in this batch. If there are more pages to scan, place the pages in the scanner and click Yes. If there are more pages to scan but the scanner parameters must first be changed, place the pages in the scan and select Change Parameters. Change the scanner parameters as necessary and when OK is clicked, the pages will be scanned.
- Once you have selected No to the above question, you will be asked the following:
Keep these images?
Answer Yes to save the images. If you answer No, all of the image files that were scanned are removed.
- The temporary image numbers for the pages that were scanned are loaded into a list box. You can review the images by clicking on the number. Insert, replace and delete buttons are available to add, replace or remove the select image.
- If the Batch style was ‘single page documents’, then you can click the Done button to save the images as their permanent document number. Document numbers are assigned sequentially by the system.
- If the Batch style was ‘multi page documents’ then you can group documents by finding the last page of a document and clicking the end of document button. See ‘Stapling pages into documents’ below for more information.
Scanning two-sided documents with a duplex scanner. Some scanners are capable of scanning both sides of the page at the same time. These are called duplex scanners. To use duplex scanners to scan two-sided documents:
- Click the Scanner Settings button on the Setting frame to activate the scanner setup dialog box or check the Show twain dialog before scanning check box.
- Select the ADF-Duplex option.
- Make sure the Page handling option is set to ‘one pass, front only’.
- Click Begin Scan.
Scanning one-sided documents with a duplex scanner.
- Click the Scanner Settings button on the Setting frame to activate the scanner setup dialog box or check the Show twain dialog before scanning check box.
- Click the ADF option and then click CLOSE to close the setup box.
- Make sure the Page handling option is set to ‘one pass, front only’.
- Click Begin Scan.