Appendix III - Building a Sample Application
From HalFILE Online Help
Building a Sample Application
The halFILE installation diskettes include database template files for several different applications that can be used to help you build your application. The sample applications provided include the following:
- TITLE01.SPC - sample Title Plant database template.
- TITLE01.RPT - sample Title Plant Report for Format #1.
- TITLE02.SPC - sample Title Bankruptcy database format #2 template.
- TITLE03.SPC - sample Title Divorce database format #3 template.
- TITLE04.SPC - sample Title Real Estate Closings database format #4 template.
- TITLE05.SPC - sample Title Probates database format #5 template.
- TITLE06.SPC - sample Title Financial Statements database format #6 template.
- TITLE07.SPC - sample Title Tax Suits database format #7 template.
- RESUME1.SPC - sample Resume/Personnel file database template.
- SIG01.SPC - sample Signature Verification database template
- AIM01.SPC – sample template that links to Aim for Windows Title Closing Package.
For more information about setting up the Aim for Windows integration, call hal Systems and request document #HFW0002.
To use one of these sample databases with a new application, perform the following:
- Select File-Applications and set up a new application by selecting the New button and entering a 3-character application id and an application description. Select the desired folder option (we suggest 'limit number of images per folder and auto assign the folder id' with the number of images per folder set to 1000).
- Select File-Database and click the New button. Select File-Open Specification and pick one of the above templates from the halFILE program directory. Make any modifications necessary, then select File-Build New Database to create a database.
- Select File-Baskets and click the New button to add a basket for holding images.
- If the database template you selected above includes any table fields, you must create the tables using File-Table. From the Table menu, select File-Add Predefined Tables to add tables that may already be delivered with the installation diskettes (such as the Title Plant Application Instrument Types table). Any tables that are not included can be created using the Create Table button on the Table form. If the template includes a table named 'TitleSubdivision', 'TitleTownship' or 'TitleAbstract' then you must set up these tables using the Base Edit icon in the halFILE program group.
- Scan and index a test page to place a record in your database.
- Perform a search for the document that was scanned and indexed. From the Search Hit List, select the Report button and add a new report. Select the appropriate .RPT file using the select button on the form. This should make the report file available to you so you can print a report of the hit list.
To complete the application set up, set up cartridges and drives to archive to using the Configure menu selection from halFILE's main menu.